Difference between software process and software process model.

 The difference between the software process and software process model are:- 

Software Process

In software engineering, the software process is the process of dividing the development of works into different phases. The software process is central to the development of an efficient information system. It is also known as software methodology. It is a set of activities that lead to the production of a software product. The fundamental activities that are common to all software processes are;-

  • Software Specification
  • Software design and implementation
  • Software Evolution

Software Process Model

 A software process model is the abstract representation of software. It represents the order in which the activities of software development will be undertaken. Each process model represents a process from a particular perspective and thus provides only partial information about that process. There are several process model are available, they are as follows:- 
  • Waterfall model
  •   Generic Process Mode
  •  Incremental model
  •  Agile process model
  •  Spiral model
  •   Iterative development model, etc


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