Difference between V- model and Spiral model

The difference between V- model and the Spiral model is as follows:-


1. V model is a software development model but development and testing are not concurrent.

2. In V-model testing activities start with the first stage.

3. Cost of the V-model is expensive.

4. Flexibility of the V model is a little flexible.

5. Guarantee of success through the V model is high.

6. User involvement in V-model is also only in beginning.

7. It is not iterative.

Spiral Model    

1. Spiral model is a software development model and is made with features of incremental, waterfall, or evolutionary prototyping models.

2. Testing is done in the spiral model at the end of the engineering phase.

3. While the cost of the spiral model is also very expensive.

4. Flexibility to change in the spiral model is not that difficult.

5. Guarantee of success through the Spiral model is low.

6. In this user Involvement is only at the beginning.

7. It is iterative.


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