Discuss the needs of E-Governance./Why do we need E-Governance? Explain.

 We need E-governance for the following reasons:-

• E-Government can transform – citizen service – provide access to information to empower citizens – enable their participation in government and enhance citizen economic and social opportunities – so that they can make better lives, for themselves and for the next generation.


E-governance is a fundamental and important aspect in developing countries like ours. The main motive of E-governance is to provide SMART government to the citizens of the country. The main difficulty faced by peoples while dealing with government work is the delay and the problem created by the middleman. Hence to minimize the interruption of middlemen and make it easy for people to get all the services provided by the government.

       E-governance is needed or important for various reasons some of them mentioned below:

  • To provide direction and guidance in IT adoption
  • To clearly identify the clear and measurable benefits from leveraging IT
  • To maximize the effectiveness of ICT initiatives within the Government
  • Information delivery is greatly simplified for citizens and businesses.
  • It gives varied departments’ information to the public and helps in decision-making.
  • It ensures citizen participation at all levels of governance.
  • It leads to automated services so that all works of public welfare are available to all citizens.
  • It revolutionizes the functions of the government and ensures transparency.
  • Each department and its actions are closely monitored.
  • The public can get their work smartly done and save time.
  • It provides better services to citizens and brings the government close to the public. The public can be in touch with the government agency.
  • It cuts middlemen and bribery if any from the picture.

           For Description of,  Why do we need E-Governance?   Downward 

Why e-government?

There are some problems which e-government could solve more effectively than they are:

As Governing is too costly and expensive: E-government has effective solutions for this problem. It could reduce the related costs and enhancing the effectiveness of spending money by the government.

As Governing is inconvenient: E-government could improve and encourage the rate of participating and using the public services. It could also receive feedback from people, and enhance accountability for public servants consequently.

As Governments are no transparent: E-government can satisfy transparency expectations of their citizens and make better and stronger relationships with people and the private sector.

  • E-government is a common way of conducting government across the globe. More implementation of e-government means ease of use of governmental services for citizens, enhancing governmental service delivery, simplifying compliance of governmental laws for citizens, improving citizen engagement and trust in public, decreasing fraud, and improving cost efficiency for the government. 
  • It could also deliver cost savings to people and companies, too. Therefore, it is not surprising that policymakers and executives in the world are looking to embrace e-government, from the most developed to the least developed ones. E-government raises the standards of living and becomes a vital tool for governments and their citizens. E-government is not merely a symptom of the digital revolution but generates true advantages for governments, citizens, the private sector, and all other stakeholders of government.


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