Why are cyber laws needed?

 WHY IS CYBERLAW REQUIRED? or, why do we need Cyber Law? 

As of early 2021, the number of people that use the internet is over 4.66 Billion. With that number increasing by 7% annually. This also means every day can account for almost 8,75,000 new users. Given this swift increase in the use of Cyberspace, implementation and the usage of strict cyber rules helps establish a safe and secure environment for the users.  Living in a rapidly progressing world, the one thing to keep pace with it is the Internet. Although it initially started off as an information tool, today it helps with communication and commerce. Being highly sophisticated and developing every single day, the usage of cyberspaces has become common, hence the increase in cybercrimes is inevitable.

                         Maintaining order during online activities. If somebody is found breaking rules or Cyber laws, the victim person/firm can take action against that person.


Why are cyber laws needed?

There are many security issues with using the Internet and also available different malicious people who try to unauthorized access your computer system to perform potential fraud. Therefore, similarly, any law, cyber law is created to protect online organizations and people on the network from unauthorized access and malicious people. If someone does any illegal activity or breaks the cyber rule, it offers people or organizations to have that person sentenced to punishment or take action against them.


Why are cyber laws needed?

Like any law, cyber law is created to help protect people and organizations on the Internet from malicious people on the Internet and help maintain order. If someone breaks a cyber law or rule, it allows another person or organization to take action against that person or have them sentenced to a punishment.


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