EDI layered architecture

 EDI layered architecture

  1. Semantic (or application) layer
  2. Standards translation layer
  3. Packing (or transport) layer
  4. Physical network infrastructure layer

EDI semantic layer:

  • Describes the business application
  • Procurement example
    - Requests for quotes
      - Price quotes
        - Purchase orders
          - Acknowledgments
            - Invoices

            • Specific to company & software used

            EDI Standard layer(Standards translation):

            • Specifies business form structure so that information can be exchanged
            • Two competing standards:- 

            1. The ANSI ASC X12 Standards 

            • The X12 standard defined a set of documents, which are referred to as transaction sets. • The common documents and their corresponding transaction set numbers: 850 P.O, 810 Invoice, 855 P.O. Ack., 856 Ship Notice 

            2. EDIFACT Standards 

            • A combination of the ASC X12 standards and the Trade Data Interchange (TDI) standards developed in the United Kingdom and used throughout Europe.


            2) EDI transport layer

            • How the business form is sent, e.g. post, UPS, fax
            • Increasingly, e-mail is the carrier
            • Differentiating EDI from e-mail

            1. Emphasis on automation
            2. EDI has certain legal status

            3) Physical network infrastructure layer

            Dial-up lines, Internet, a value-added network, etc.


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