Evolution of E-Governance

Evolution of E-Governance

 The word ‘e-governance’ can be viewed as governance and the ICT revolution. The word ‘governance’ has been developed from the Greek word ‘Kubera's which means to steer. The Internet was developed in the 15th century. It shapes the ability to communicate, share, distribute, exchange, formalize, use and network information at a speed that is not experienced before.

The Origin of E-Governance 1970’s - the concept of e-Governance origin in India. 1980’s India’s efforts of the National Informatics Center (NIC) to connect all the district headquarters was a very significant development. 1980’s Administrative reform and development have experienced Total Quality Management 1990’s the core ideas and techniques associated with “putting government online”. President Bill Clinton’s administration’s aim to “reinvent government” Mid 1990’s the United States and Britain (along with other countries, notably Canada and Australia) that led the way, both in establishing a basic informational form of Web presence. Late E-government became known and developed.


Evolution of E-Governance

  • Initiatives were take up as early as 1972 by Chile
  • Prof. Stafford Beer implemented for President Allende of Chile, the first governance software that would help the government survive a severe crisis. 
  • A major contribution by US Vice President Al Gore in the early 1990s which rooted worldwide in the information superhighway.
  • Widespread in US, UK, Canada, Australia, and India
  • Focus largely on the development of infrastructure such as fiber-optic networks. The concept of Information Society or Knowledge Society evolved
  • E-governance came into a formalized and focused manner with partial success to implement Information systems in the government departments and public organizations During the 1980s and 90s, govt. all over the world lagged behind the commercial world in accepting and implementing ICT.
  • The commercial and industrial world went far ahead all over the world in harnessing the potential of ICT in their core and peripheral activities. They used ICT to reach out to their customers and business partners, thereby impressively enhancing their quality, speed, and convenience.
  • Visible success cases of use of ICT
              - ATM services
             - 24-hour call center
              - E-Shopping
  • Software export increase (banking, financial, aviation, industrial sector from India, Ireland, Israel, China)
  • The 1990s and 2000 - Development of ITES (IT-enabled Society) resulted in remote services like call centers, data entry.


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