What do you mean by Good Governance? also Aims and Principle of Good Governance.

Good Governance
  •  Good Governance is a set of normative principles, administrative reforms measures for standardization of service delivery for the citizens, and improves government and its instrumentalities to cater to the basic needs of the citizens in an efficient and effective manner.
  •  Prof Harlan Cleveland who used the word "Governance" as an alternative to "Public Administration" states that Organizations will not be Hierarchical Pyramids but interlaced webs of tension where control is loose, power diffused, and centers of decision plural.
  • Good governance is a process, where rules and well-functioning institutions are applied to manage a nation's affairs in a manner that safeguards democracy, human rights, good order, and human security, and economy and efficiency are followed in the management of country's resources (World Bank, 1990).
  • Good governance is a process, where rules and well-functioning institutions are applied to manage a nation's affairs in a manner that safeguards democracy, human rights, good order, and human security, and economy and efficiency are followed in the management of a country's resources.
  • In the 1992 report entitled “Governance and Development”, the World Bank set out its definition of Good Governance. It defined Good Governance as “the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development”.
  • Good governance has 8 major characteristics.‘It is participatory, consensus-oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive, and follows the rule of law.
  • It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account, and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making.
  • It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.

The importance of good governance

Provides a constitutional and legal framework

Provides policy and legal mechanisms to address issues of equity

Requires standards of accountability and transparency for the delivery of goods and services

Provides for participation

Encourages society partnership to strengthen performance

Aims of good governance

Good governance aims at the following:

  • Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of administration
  • Improving the quality of life of citizens
  • Establishing the legitimacy and credibility of institutions
  • Securing the freedom of information and expression
  • Ensuring accountability
  • Using IT-based services to improve citizen-government interface
  • Improving or enhancing the productivity of employees
  • Promoting organizational pluralism-state, market, and civil society organizations for governance

Principles of good governance:
According to the World Bank the principles of good governance are:
1. Voice and Accountability
2.Political stability.
3.Government Effectiveness.
4.Regulatory Quality
5.Rule of law.
6. Control of corruption.

8 Principles of Good Governance By United Nations

  • People should be able to voice their own opinions through legitimate immediate organizations or representatives.
  • This includes men and women, vulnerable sections of society, backward classes, minorities, etc.
  • Participation also implies freedom of association and expression.

Rule of Law:
  • The legal framework should be enforced impartially, especially on human rights laws.
  • Without rule of law, politics will follow the principle of Matsya Nyaya ie the law of fish which means the strong will prevail over the weak.

Consensus Oriented:
  • Consensus-oriented decision-making ensures that even if everyone does not achieve what they want to the fullest, a common minimum can be achieved by everyone which will not be detrimental to anyone.
  • It mediates differing interests to meet the broad consensus on the best interests of a community.

Equity and Inclusiveness:
  • Good governance assures an equitable society.
  • People should have opportunities to improve or maintain their well-being.

Effectiveness and Efficiency:
  • Processes and institutions should be able to produce results that meet the needs of their community.
  • Resources of the community should be used effectively for the maximum output.

  • Good governance aims towards betterment of people, and this can not take place without the government being accountable to the people.
  • Governmental institutions, private sectors, and civil society organizations should be held accountable to the public and institutional stakeholders.

  • Information should be accessible to the public and should be understandable and monitored.
  • It also means free media and access of information to them.

Institutions and processes should serve all stakeholders in a reasonable period of time.


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