Describe how promoted tweets, promoted trends and lead generation cards are used as Twitter marketing tools?

There are many kinds of Twitter marketing products, and the firm is creating new ones every few months. The current major Twitter marketing tools include the following.

  • Promoted Tweets
  • Promoted Trends
  • Promoted Accounts
  • Enhanced Profile Page
  • Amplify
  • Promoted Videos
  • Television Ad Retargeting
  • Lead Generation Cards

i) Promoted Tweets: 

Advertisers pay to have their tweets appear in users' search results. Promoted Tweets are Twitter's version of Google's AdWords. The tweets appear as "promoted" in the search results. Pricing is on a "cost-per-click" basis, based on an auction run by Twitter on the Twitter ad platform, and might range from $.50 to $10 per engagement. An "ad carousel" allows up to 12 ads to be shown in a single space, enabling users to swipe through the Promoted Tweets. Promoted Tweets can be geotargeted and also offer keyword targeting that enables advertisers to send the tweets to specific users based on keywords in their recent tweets or tweets with which they have interacted. Promoted Tweets can be plain text or include single or multiple images, or can include a website card (link to website), basic app card (link to app), or image app card (photo plus link to app). Buy buttons embedded within Promoted Tweets enable users to purchase without leaving Twitter.

ii) Promoted Trends:

Advertisers pay to move their hashtags (# symbol used to mark keywords in a tweet) to the top of Twitter's Trends List. Otherwise, hashtags are found by the Twitter search engine, and only those that are organically popular make it to the Trends List. Promoted Trends cost about $200,000 a day in the United States and are also available for purchase in 50 different countries.

iii) Lead Generation Cards: 

Marketers can embed a "card" into a tweet. When users click on the tweet, a promotional offer appears and users are asked to sign up. Cards are different from display ads because they are used only by businesses who want to develop new leads, and they always include an offer, such as 50% off your next cup of coffee. This is a one-click process. The users' e-mail and Twitter account names are automatically obtained by Twitter and sent to marketers, who can then follow up with a tweet or an e-mail.


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