Explain ASP.NET Core Architecture Overview with figure.

 ASP.NET Core Architecture Overview

 The ideology behind ASP.NET Core in general, as the name suggests, is to lay out web logic, infrastructure, and core components from each other in order to provide a more development-friendly environment.

 The concept is somewhat similar to "N" tier/layer architecture, the only difference is that ASP.NET Core defines the layers as the core component of the platform which relieves the developer from redefining it in order to make a solution more modular and reusable.

 What happens in ASP.NET Core is that the main business logic and UI logic are encapsulated in the ASP.NET Core Web App layer, while the database access layer, cache services, and web API services are encapsulated in the infrastructure layer and common utilities, objects, interfaces, and reusable business services are encapsulated as micro-services in application core layer.

 ASP.NET Core creates necessary pre-defined "N" tier/layers architecture for us developers automatically, which saves our time and effort to worry less about the complexity of the necessary "N" tier/architecture of the web project and focus more on the business logic.

 ASP.NET Core that brings the benefit of a pre-built architectural framework that eases out tier deployment of the project along with providing pre-build Single Page Application (SPA) design pattern, Razor Pages (Page based cleaner MVC model) design pattern, and traditional MVC (View-based model) design pattern.

 These design patterns are mostly used in a hybrid manner but can be utilized as an individual-only pattern as well.


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