Explain ASP.NET Web API with its characteristics .


  • ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be accessed from any client including browsers and mobile devices.
  • It is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.
  • It works more or less the same way as the ASP.NET MVC web application except that it sends data as a response instead of an HTML view.
  • Like a web service or WCF service but the exception is that it only supports HTTP protocol. 

ASP.NET Web API Characteristics
  • a framework for building HTTP services that can be accessed from any client including browsers and mobile devices. 
  • Ideal for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework. 
  • The ASP.NET Web API is an extensible framework for building HTTP-based services that can be accessed in different applications on different platforms such as web, windows, mobile, etc.
  • It works more or less the same way as the ASP.NET MVC web application except that it sends data as a response instead of HTML view.
  • Like a web service or WCF service but the exception is that it only supports HTTP protocol.


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