Explain HTML Helper with its types and examples also.

  •  An HTML helper is just a method that returns an HTML string.
  • The string can represent any type of content that you want.
  • For example: We can use an HTML helper to render standard HTML tags like <input>, <button>, <img> tags etc We can also create our own HTML helper to render more complex content.

 Types of HTML Helpers:

a. Inline HTML helper: Created in same orang view by using the Razor @ helper tag.

 Eg: <h3> Programming languages: </h3> 

 @Listing Items (new sting [ { "C","#" C++})

b. Builtin HTML: These helpers are extension methods on the Html Helper class.

 Eg: TextBox : @ Html: TextBox ("Textbox1", "val")

 output :- <input id ="Textbox 1" . name = ""Textbox1" type="text" value="val"/>

c) Custom HTML helpers: We can create our own custom helper method by creating an extension method on the Html helper class.

 Eg: public static class Custom Helper

public static MVC Htmlstring Submit Button (this HTMLHelper helper, string button Text)


string str = " <input type = \"submit\" value=" "+ button Text + "\" />"} 

 return new MVCHtml Spring (str);





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