Difference between work break down structure and product break down structure with an example.

 Work break down structure 

Work breakdown structure is a visual, hierarchical, and deliverables-oriented deconstruction of a project. A WBS includes dividing a large and complex project into a simpler manageable and independent task. The root of this tree (structure) is labeled by the project name itself. For constructing a WBS, each node is recursively decomposed into smaller sub-activities until at the leaf level the activities become undividable and independent, It follows a top-down approach. WBS is the method for time scheduling cost estimation and error handling.


Product breakdown structure

The product breakdown structure is a hierarchical structure of things that the project will make or outcomes that it will deliver, It begins with the final product at the top of the hierarchy followed by the sub-categories element of the product. the product breakdown structure is similar to the work breakdown structure. The PB is supported by a product log and associated product description that describes individual products in more detail.



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