Explain cloud federation stack.


The creation of a cloud federation needs research and development at several levels, including conceptual, logical, and operational, as well as infrastructure. The figure below depicts the obstacles encountered in creating and executing an organizational structure that coordinates cloud services from multiple administrative domains and allows them to function within the framework of a single unified service middleware. Each level of cloud federation brings unique issues and works at a different layer of the IT stack. It thus necessitates the application of various methodologies and technology. When the answers to the issues faced at each of these levels are combined, they provide a reference model for a cloud federation.


The CONCEPTUAL LEVEL tackles the difficulties in presenting a cloud federation as a beneficial option for the usage of services leased by a single cloud provider. At this stage, it is critical to highlight the benefits of joining a federation for either service providers or service customers, as well as the additional opportunities that a federated environment brings in comparison to a single-provider solution. The conceptual level tackles the difficulties in presenting a cloud federation as a beneficial alternative for using services leased by a single cloud provider.

At this stage, it is critical to highlight the benefits of joining a federation for either service providers or service customers, as well as the additional opportunities that a federated environment brings in comparison to a single-provider solution. Elements of concern at this level are:

  • Motivations for cloud providers to join a federation
  • Motivations for service consumers to leverage a federation Advantages for providers in leasing their services to other providers
  • Obligations of providers once they have joined the federation Trust agreements between providers
  • Transparency versus consumers


The LOGICAL AND OPERATIONAL LEVEL of a federated cloud identifies and resolves the issues by designing a framework that enables the aggregation of providers from various administrative data within the context of a single overlay infrastructure, which is the cloud federation. Policies and guides for interoperability are specified at this level. Furthermore, this is the layer at which decisions are th about how and when to lease a service to-or leverage a service from another provider The logical component sets the setting in which agreements among providers are established and services a negotiated, whereas the operational component describes and forms the federation's dynamic behavior a result of the single providers' choices. This is the stage at which MOCC is put into action and achieved 


 INFRASTRUCTURAL LEVEL covers the technological problems involved in enabling diverse co-computing platforms to easily interoperate. It addresses the technological constraints that pre-independent cloud computing systems from belonging to distinct administrative domains. Th restrictions can be eliminated by using standardized protocols and interfaces. In other words, this level! for the federation is what the TCP/IP stack is for the Internet. The IaaS and PaaS layers of the C Computing Reference Model serve as the foundation for the infrastructure level. Interoperation interface services may also be implemented at the SaaS level, particularly for the realization of agreements and federated clouds.


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