Explain elements of grids.


Grid computing combines elements such as distributed computing, high-performance computing, and disposable computing depending on the application of the technology and the scale of operation. Grids can create a virtual supercomputer out of the existing servers, workstations, and personal computers. Present-day grids encompass the following types:

Computational grids, in which machines will set aside resources to "number crunch" data or provide coverage for other intensive workloads

Scavenging grids are commonly used to find and harvest machine cycles from idle servers and desktop computers for use in resource-intensive tasks (scavenging is usually implemented in a way that is unobtrusive to the owner/user of the processor)

Data grids, provide a unified interface for all data repositories in an organization, and through which data can be queried, managed, and secured. 

Market-oriented grids, deal with price-setting and negotiation, grid economy management, and utility-driven scheduling and resource allocation. 


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