Explain key component of grid computing.


Resource management: a grid must be aware of what resources are available for different tasks 

Security management: the grid needs to take care that only authorized users can access and use the available resources

Data management: data must be transported, cleansed, parceled, and processed 

Services management: users and applications must be able to query the grid in an effective and efficient manner 

More formally, a grid computing environment may be thought of as a computer system made up of several logical hierarchical layers. The figure depicts these layers. Grid fabric resources, grid security infrastructure, core grid middleware, user-level middleware and resource aggregators, grid programming environment and tools, and grid applications are all part of it.

The major components of a grid computing system can be identified into various categories from different perspectives as follows:

  • Functional view
  • Physical view
  • Service view

Basic elements of a grid from a functional view are decided depending on the grid design and its expected use. Some of the functional constituents of a grid are:

  • Security (Grid security infrastructure),
  •  Resource Broker,
  • Scheduler,
  • Data Management,
  • Job and resource management,
  • Resources.

Based on the physical viewpoint, a grid is a collection of:

  • Networks,
  • Computation (Processors),
  • Storage,
  • Scientific Instruments,
  • Software and Licenses.

The service view of grid computing adheres to the concepts of:

  • Service-oriented architectures (SOA) 
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • Web services standards
  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
  • Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL)
  • Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
  • .NET
  • Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF)


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