What is mobile cloud computing? Explain its architecture and issues.


  • In the era of growing technology, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has emerged as a conversation topic for modernizing the internet computing infrastructure. MCC provides a large platform for the IT industry, allowing mobile users to study their data anywhere, at any time, by utilizing Cloud services. 
  • Cloud computing, internet technology, and mobile computing are all combined in Mobile Cloud Computing. This makes it more user-friendly for them to keep their data on the cloud with simplicity prominent Despite significant progress, the MCC continues to fall short of user expectations owing to privacy and security concerns with regulated data.
  • Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is the marriage of cloud computing, mobile computing, and wireless networks to give rich computational resources to mobile users, network operators, and cloud computing providers. 
  • MCC's ultimate objective is to enable the execution of sophisticated mobile apps on a mobile device while providing a rich user experience. MCC offers an opportunity for both mobile network operators and cloud providers.
  •  MCC can be defined more broadly as "a rich mobile computing technology that leverages unified elastic resources of diverse clouds and network technologies toward unrestricted functionality, storage, and mobility to serve a multitude of mobile devices anywhere, anytime channel of Ethernet or Internet regardless of heterogenous environments and platforms based  "the pay the as-you-go model".


Computations are conducted remotely rather than on the device using MCC, allowing resource-constrained mobile devices to use computational resources from a variety of cloud-based services. There are four categories of cloud-based resources in MCC: distant immobile clouds, nearby immobile computing entities, proximal mobile computing entities, and hybrid resources (a combination of the other three models). Cloudlets and surrogates are member applications of proximal immobile computing entities, whereas giant clouds like Amazon EC2 are in the far immobile groupings. Smartphones, tablets, portable devices, and wearable computing devices are examples of proximal mobile computing entities, the third type of cloud-based resource.


MCC is the combination of mobile computing, cloud computing, and communication networks that creates several complex challenges such as Mobile Computation Offloading, Seamless Connectivity, Long WAN Latency, Mobility Management, Context-Processing, Energy Constraint, Vendor/data Lock-in, Security and Privacy, Elasticity that hinder MCC success and adoption.

 Along with these here are some issues of MCC:

Architectural issues: 

A reference design for diverse MCC environments is essential for unlocking the power of mobile computing toward unconstrained ubiquitous computing.

 Energy-efficient transmission: 

MCC imposes frequent transfers between the cloud platform and mobile devices; yet because wireless networks are stochastic, the transmission protocol must be properly constructed.

Context-awareness issues: 

Context-aware and socially aware computing are characteristics of modern mobile devices. Designing resource-efficient environment-aware apps are critical to realizing the vision of mobile computing amid heterogeneous converging networks and computing devices. inseparably linked

Live VM migration issues: 

Exercising resource-intensive mobile applications through Virtual Machine (VM) migration-based application offloading entails encapsulating the application in a VM instance and migrating it to the cloud, which is a difficult task due to the additional overhead of deploying and managing VM on mobile devices.

Mobile communication congestion issues: 

Mobile data traffic is skyrocketing due to ever-increasing mobile user demands for cloud services, which has an impact on mobile network operators and necessitates future efforts to ensure efficient communication between mobile and cloud endpoints.

Trust, security, and privacy issues: 

Trust is critical to the success of the emerging MCC paradigm. This is because the data, together with the code/component/application/complete VM, is offloaded to the cloud for execution. Furthermore, similarly to software and mobile application piracy, MCC application development approaches are vulnerable to piracy. Prax is well recognized as the first dedicated framework for combating application piracy in MCC standards.


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