Analyze and explain the factors for successful cloud deployment.


  • Cloud computing security refers to a collection of control-based technologies and policies meant to comply with regulatory compliance regulations while also protecting information, data applications, and infrastructure involved with cloud computing use. Because the cloud is a shared resource, identity management, privacy, and access control are particularly important. With more enterprises turning to cloud computing and associated cloud providers for data operations, adequate security in these and other potentially susceptible areas has become a top responsibility for enterprises working with a cloud computing provider.
  • Cloud computing security, or simply cloud security, refers to a comprehensive range of rules, technologies, and procedures used to safeguard data, applications, and the related cloud computing infrastructure. It is a subdomain of computer security, network security, and information security in general.
  • Cloud computing security processes should address the security controls that the cloud provider will implement to ensure security, privacy, and compliance with the applicable legislation of the customer's data. In the event of a cloud security breach, the processes will almost certainly involve a business continuity and data backup strategy.

 The factors for successful cloud deployment

  •  Cloud migration assessments comprise assessments to understand the issues involved in the specific case of migration at the application level or the code, the design, the architecture, or usage levels.
  • The first step of the iterative process of the seven-step model of migration is basically at the assessment level. Proof of concepts or prototypes for various approaches to the migration along with the leveraging of pricing parameters enables one to make appropriate assessments.
  • These assessments are about the cost of migration as well as about the ROI that can be achieved in the case of the production version.
  • The next process step is in isolating all systemic and environmental dependencies of the enterprise application components within the captive data center. This, in turn, yields a picture of the level of complexity of the migration.
  • After isolation is complete, one then goes about generating the mapping constructs between what shall possibly remain in the local captive data center and what goes onto the cloud. So a substantial part of the enterprise application needs to be rearchitected, redesigned, and reimplemented on the cloud.
  • This gets in just about the functionality of the original enterprise application. Due to this migration, it is possible perhaps that some functionality is lost.
  • In the next process step we leverage the intrinsic features of the cloud computing service to augment our enterprise application in its own small ways. Having done the augmentation, we validate and test the new form of the enterprise application with an extensive test suite that comprises testing the components of the enterprise application on the cloud as well. These test results could be positive or mixed.
  • In the latter case, we iterate and optimize as appropriate. After several such optimizing iterations, the migration is deemed successful.
  • This Seven-Step Model process is for optimizing and ensuring that the migration into the cloud is both robust and comprehensive.


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