Describe cloud service requirements.


Cloud computing consists of hardware and software resources made available on the Internet as managed by third-party services. Cloud services requirements typically provide access to advanced software applications and high-end networks of server computers. Service providers create cloud computing systems to serve common business or research needs.

Examples of cloud computing services include:

1. Virtual IT. It configures and utilizes remote third-party servers as extensions to a company's local IT network.

2. Software. They utilize commercial software applications or develop and remotely host custom-built applications.

3. Network storage. The backup or archive data across the Internet to a provider without needing to know the physical location of storage.

Cloud computing systems in general are designed for scalability to support large numbers of customers and surges in demand. Service providers are responsible for installing and maintaining core technology within the cloud. Some customers prefer this model because it limits their manageability burden. However, customers cannot directly control system stability in this model and are highly dependent on the provider instead.

Cloud computing systems are normally designed to closely track all system resources, which enables providers to charge customers according to the resources each consumes. Some customers will prefer this so-called metered billing approach to save money, while others will prefer a flat-rate subscription to ensure predictable monthly or yearly costs. Using a cloud computing environment generally requires you to send data over the Internet and store it on a third-party system. The privacy and security risks associated with this model must be weighed against alternatives.

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1. Efficiency/cost reduction

By using cloud infrastructure, you don’t have to spend huge amounts of money on purchasing and maintaining equipment.

2. Data security

Cloud offers many advanced security features that guarantee that data is securely stored and handled. Cloud storage providers implement baseline protections for their platforms and the data they process, such as authentication, access control, and encryption.

3. Scalability

Different companies have different IT needs — a large enterprise of 1000+ employees won’t have the same IT requirements as a start-up. Using the cloud is a great solution because it enables enterprises to efficiently — and quickly — scale up/down according to business demands.

4. Mobility

Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices, which is a great way to ensure that no one is ever left out of the loop. Staff with busy schedules, or who live a long way away from the corporate office, can use this feature to keep instantly up-to-date with clients and coworkers.

5. Disaster recovery

Data loss is a major concern for all organizations, along with data security. Storing your data in the cloud guarantees that data is always available, even if your equipment like laptops or PCs, is damaged. Cloud-based services provide quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency scenarios

6. Control

Cloud enables you complete visibility and control over your data. You can easily decide which users have what level of access to what data.

7. Market reach

Developing in the cloud enables users to get their applications to market quickly.

8. Automatic Software Updates

Cloud-based applications automatically refresh and update themselves.


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