What is virtualization? Explain different types of virtualizations.


  • The formation of a virtual version of something, such as a server, a desktop, a storage device, an operating system, or network resources is referred to as virtualization. 
  • Virtualization is a technology that allows numerous consumers and organizations to share a single physical instance of a resource or accomplishes this by giving a logical name to a physical storage device and delivering a reference to the physical resource when needed. 
  •  Virtualization is a concept that is utilized in practically every IT architecture to assist double the capacity of physical devices. It aids in making the most use of current resources, lowering total corporate c costs Virtualization software (hypervisor) is used by businesses to construct virtual computers, network desktops, and servers.
  • Virtualization software simplifies IT management and makes it more cost effective to buy and run. It brings about a variety of favorable changes, such as lower hardware costs, improved disaster recovery solutions, higher IT agility, improved performance, and faster resource availability. Understanding the various forms of virtualization is essential for integrating it. Businesses can select the sort of virtualization they needed based on their needs.


The most important virtualization types are listed here, which have their importance in the virtualization environment.

  1. Desktop Virtualization
  2. Network Virtualization Server and Machine Virtualization
  3. Storage Virtualization
  4. System-level or Operating Virtualization 
  5. Application Virtualization 
  6. Compute Virtualization

1. Desktop Virtualization 

  • Desktop Virtualization, which is also known as client virtualization, is a virtualization technology that is used to isolate a computer's desktop environment from the actual machine. Because the "virtualized" desktop is kept on a centralized, or remote server rather than the actual computer being virtualized.
  •  Desktop virtualization is considered a form of client-server computing architecture. Desktop virtualization occurs when a hypervisor is used to run virtual machines on the host server. A hypervisor can be installed directly on the host computer or over the operating system (like Windows, Mac, and Linux). Virtualized desktops do not use the hard drive of the host machine; instead, they operate on a distant central server. This form of virtualization is beneficial for development and testing teams who need to build or test programs on many operating systems. Another advantage of desktop virtualization is that it allows you to access your desktop from any location by allowing you to log in remotely.
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or Interface (VDI) is a common desktop virtualization technique. This sort of desktop virtualization employs the server computing model, as desktop virtualization is supported in this situation via hardware and software. The desktop environment is hosted by VDI in a virtual machine (VM) that runs on a centralized or remote server.
  • Desktop virtualization allows users to keep their desktops on a single, central server. Users can connect to the central server through a LAN, WAN, or the Internet. There are several advantages to using desktop virtualization, including lower total cost of ownership, improved security, lower energy costs, less downtime, and centralized administration.

2. Network Virtualization

  • Network Virtualization is a means of combining available network resources by dividing available bandwidth into channels, each of which is independent of the others and may be given to a specific server or device in real-time. Each channel is safeguarded in its way. From a single computer, each subscriber gets shared access to all network resources.
  • For a human administrator, network administration may be a time-consuming and difficult task. Network virtualization is meant to increase the administrator's productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction by virtualization allowing the complete computer network to be managed and monitored as a single automating many of these duties, masking the underlying complexity of the network. Network administrative unit. Admins can monitor diverse network infrastructure parts such as routers and Switches from a single software-based administrator's panel.
  •  Network virtualization contributes to Network optimization in terms of data transmission speeds, flexibility, dependability, security, and scalability. It raises the overall productivity and efficiency of the network. Administrators may more easily manage and distribute resources while maintaining high and consistent network performance.
  • The goal of network virtualization is to improve network performance, dependability, flexib scalability, and security. Network virtualization is believed to be highly useful in networks that have unexpected, substantial, and rapid spikes in consumption. under

3. Server and Machine Virtualization

  • Server and machine virtualization, often known as 'Hardware virtualization,' is virtualization that includes splitting a physical server into several tiny, virtual servers using virtualization software Each virtual server in server virtualization runs many operating system instances at the same time. 
  • A typical business data center has a massive number of servers. Many of these servers are inactive s the burden is spread to only a subset of the network's servers. This wastes expensive hardware resources as well as power, maintenance, and cooling needs. 
  • Server virtualization divides a single server's resource into many virtual servers. These virtual servers can function as standalone devices. Server virtualization enables enterprises to run many independent operating systems (guests or virtual) with varying settings on a single (host) server. The approach also lowers the hardware costs associated with maintaining a la number of physical servers, allowing firms to optimize their server architecture.
  • Server virtualization aims to enhance resource usage by dividing real servers into several virtual servers each with its operating system and applications. Server virtualization makes each virtual server seem arc behave like a real server, thus increasing the capacity of each actual system. The concept of server virtualization is frequently used in IT infrastructure to save costs by making better use of existing resources. For small to medium-scale applications, virtualizing servers is frequently a useful choice. This technology is commonly utilized to provide low-cost web hosting services as well.

Key Benefits of Server Virtualization

  • Higher server ability
  • Cheaper operating costs
  • Eliminate server complexity
  • Increased application performance Deploy workload quicker

Types Of Server Virtualization

  • Paravirtualization
  • Full Virtualization
  • Hardware-Assisted Virtualization
  • Kernel level Virtualization
  • System-Level or OS Virtualization 

4. System-Level or Operating Virtualization

  • The use of software to allow system hardware to run multiple instances of various operating systems concurrently refers to Operating System virtualization. It allows to execution of various applications needing various operating systems on one computer system. The operating systems do not conflict with one another or with the various applications. 
  • Operating system virtualization is a server virtualization technology that requires customizing a conventional operating system to run numerous programs handled by numerous users on a single machine at the same time. 

  • OS virtualization modifies the operating system such that it behaves like numerous distinct, separate systems. Even if they are on the same machine, the operating systems do not interact with each other. On a single instance of the operating system kernel numerous but conceptually separate environments are run. Because all virtual machines share a common kernel of the host operating system, this strategy is also known as the shared kernel method.
  • The virtualized environment takes commands from several users who are running various programs on the same system. The virtualized operating system, also known as operating system-level virtualization, handles users and their demands independently.
  • Examples: FreeVPS, Linux Vserver, OpenVZ, etc.


  • Significantly lightweight than complete machines 
  • Can host many virtual servers
  • Enhanced Security and Isolation


  • Kernel or driver problems can take down all virtual servers.

5. Storage Virtualization

  • Storage Virtualization is the technique of combining physical storage from numerous network storage devices to appear as a single storage unit. To simplify application and network-independent storage management, the procedure entails abstracting and covering the core functions of a storage device from the host application, host servers, or a general network.
  •  Storage virtualization is the consolidation of physical storage from several network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device administered from a centralized interface.
  • Storage virtualization, which is also known as cloud storage, enables storage administrators to conduct backup, archiving, and recovery operations more quickly and in less time by masking the true complexity of a storage area network (SAN). Administrators can use software programs to deploy they can use hardware and software hybrid appliances. It also enables administrators to efficiently distribute, relocate, update, and set up resources throughout the corporate infrastructure. 
  • Their virtualization, or are two types of Storage Virtualization Block Level Storage Virtualization and File Level Storage Virtualization.

6. Application Virtualization

  • Application virtualization refers to the technique of placing an application on a central server and that application can be run virtually on many platforms. The virtualized program behaves precisely like a native program installed on a real workstation for end users. 
  • Application virtualization makes it easier for enterprises to centrally update, manage, and repair applications. Admins may control and alter program access rights without signing into the user's desktop. Portability is another advantage of application virtualization. It enables users to utilize virtualized programs on non-Windows devices such as iOS and Android.
  • Application virtualization can also be called Application Service Virtualization and it also lets users execute the application on a thin client, which is a terminal or network workstation with few resident programs that access the majority of applications on a connected server.
  • Application virtualization deceives the computer into thinking the application is running on the local machine while, in reality, it is running on a virtual machine (such as a server) at another place, running its operating system (OS), and being accessible by the local machine. By executing virtual apps, incompatibility issues with the local machine's operating system, as well as flaws or low-quality code in the program, may be resolved.
  • Application virtualization seeks to isolate application programs from an operating system with which they are incompatible, leading computers to halt or crash.

Application virtualization also has the following advantages:

  •  Running fewer resources than using a separate virtual computer.
  • Allowing incompatible apps to operate on the same system at the same time.
  • Maintaining a consistent, more efficient, and cost-effective OS setup across several devices in a particular enterprise, regardless of the applications utilized.
  • Allowing for faster application deployment. Improving security by separating apps from the local operating system.
  • Easier tracking of license usage, potentially saving money on license expenses.
  • Enabling apps to be transferred to portable media and utilized by other client computers without
  • requiring local installation. Increasing the capacity to manage a huge number of diverse/variable tasks.


  • Compute Virtualization is the process of creating a simulated version of computing hardware, operating systems, computer networks, or other resources. It is a reduction in the number of physical devices to the simplicity of traditional designs.
  • Compute virtualization is a method of increasing efficiency and lowering the cost of IT infrastructure. It offers a flexible approach for virtual machines in which actual servers are regarded as a resource pool. It works by combining servers, decreasing the demand for computer equipment and other related infrastructure, and thereby lowering expenses. It streamlines licensing-related business operations, making them more manageable. It establishes a centralized infrastructure that can be shared and accessible by several people working in different places at the same time.

Advantages of Compute Virtualization:

1. Increased Security: Data security improves as data is distributed across several systems and resources are hidden from users. In the event of an emergency, the lost data can be recovered from another virtual server. This boosts network flexibility and makes it easier to deal with virus and
malware issues.

2. Improved Administration: Because the server is separated into numerous virtual servers, it is significantly easier to administer. Business procedures and server licenses are also simplified. 

 3. Financial Savings: The virtual servers can be housed in easily accessible places. As the
management cost decreases, and so do the hardware and power expenses.

4. The centralized server: Compute virtualization centralizes the company's information technology infrastructure. The network becomes extremely efficient, and data may be accessible by a large
the number of people at any time and from any location. 

4. A More Convenient Software Testing Environment: A sophisticated testing environment may be built to allow testing in a variety of environments and operating systems.


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