What is Map-Reduce Programming? Describe how enterprise batch processing is done using map- reduce?


MapReduce is triggered by the map and reduces operations in functional languages, such as Lisp. This model abstracts computation problems through two functions: map and reduce. All problems formulated in this way can be parallelized automatically. All data processed by MapReduce are in the form of key/value pairs. The execution happens in two phases. In the first phase, a map function is invoked once for each input key/value pair and it can generate output key/value pairs as intermediate results. In the second one, all the intermediate results are merged and grouped by keys. The reduce function is called once for each key with associated values and produces output values as the final results. A map function takes a key/value pair as input and produces a list of key/value pairs as output. The type of output key and value can be different from input key and value: map::(key1,value1) => list(key2,value2) A reduce function takes a key and associated value list as input and generates a list of new values as output: reduce::list(key2,value2) => list(value3)

MapReduce Execution

  • A MapReduce application is executed in a parallel manner through two phases. In the first phase, all map operations can be executed independently of each other. In the second phase, each reduced operation may depend on the outputs generated by any number of map operations. However, similar to map operations, all reduced operations can be executed independently. From the perspective of dataflow, MapReduce execution consists of m-independent map tasks and r independent reduce tasks, each of which may be dependent on m-map tasks. Generally, the intermediate results are partitioned into r pieces for r reduce tasks. The MapReduce runtime system schedules maps and reduces tasks to distributed resources. It manages many technical problems: parallelization, concurrency control, network communication, and fault tolerance. Furthermore, it performs several optimizations to decrease the overhead involved in scheduling, network communication, and intermediate grouping of results.
  • Today, the volume of data is often too big for a single server – node – to process. Therefore, there was a need to develop code that runs on multiple nodes. Writing distributed systems is an endless array of problems, so people developed multiple frameworks to make our lives easier. MapReduce is a framework that allows the user to write code that is executed on multiple nodes without having to worry about fault tolerance, reliability, synchronization, or availability. Batch processing is an automated job that does some computation, usually done as a periodical job. It runs the processing code on a set of inputs, called a batch. Usually, the job will read the batch data from a database and store the result in the same or different database. An example of a batch processing job could be reading all the sale logs from an online shop for a single day and aggregating it into statistics for that day (number of users per country, the average spent amount, etc.). Doing this as a daily job could give insights into customer trends.
  • MapReduce is a programming model that was introduced in a white paper by Google in 2004. Today, it is implemented in various data processing and storing systems (Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, ...) and it is a foundational building block of most big data batch processing systems.
  • For MapReduce to be able to do computation on large amounts of data, it has to be a distributed model that executes its code on multiple nodes. This allows the computation to handle larger amounts of data by adding more machines – horizontal scaling. This is different from vertical scaling, which implies increasing the performance of a single machine.
  • In order to decrease the duration of our distributed computation, MapReduce tries to reduce shuffling (moving) the data from one node to another by distributing the computation so that it is done on the same node where the data is stored. This way, the data stays on the same node, but the code is moved via the network. This is ideal because the code is much smaller than the data.
  • To run a MapReduce job, the user has to implement two functions, map and reduce, and those implemented functions are distributed to nodes that contain the data by the MapReduce framework. Each node runs (executes) the given functions on the data it has in order the minimize network traffic (shuffling data).
  • The computation performance of MapReduce comes at the cost of its expressivity. When writing a MapReduce job we have to follow the strict interface (return and input data structure) of the map and the reduce functions. The map phase generates key-value data pairs from the input data (partitions), which are then grouped by key and used in the reduce phase by the reduce task. Everything except the interface of the functions is programmable by the user.
  • Hadoop, along with its many other features, had the first open-source implementation of MapReduce. It also has its own distributed file storage called HDFS. In Hadoop, the typical input into a MapReduce job is a directory in HDFS. In order to increase parallelization, each directory is made up of smaller units called partitions and each partition can be processed separately by a map task (the process that executes the map function). This is hidden from the user, but it is important to be aware of it because the number of partitions can affect the speed of execution.
  • The map task (mapper) is called once for every input partition and its job is to extract key-value pairs from the input partition. The mapper can generate any number of key-value pairs from a single input
  • The MapReduce framework collects all the key-value pairs produced by the mappers, arranges them into groups with the same key, and applies the reduce function. All the grouped values entering the reducers are sorted by the framework. The reducer can produce output files that can serve as input into another MapReduce job, thus enabling multiple MapReduce jobs to chain into a more complex data processing pipeline.

Map-Reduce Programming


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