One can find so many connectors which are there in the computer. Each connector is unique and belong to some connectors group like display connectors. The identification of the connector types and figuring out what are the cables which are associated to it is an important task in order are acidepth understanding of how about computer works. So, one should know about these connector types and the cables which are associated with them so that he can implement this knowledge into the practical life and can get some really good benefits out of it. Here are some of the details of the types of connectors and their cables which are associated to them;

Display connector types:

When someone chooses a display type, he has to determine that how this device can be connected to the computer. He might find so many options and might not know which one to choose. Here are some connector types which can be available to him;

DVI-D: DVI has got many interfaces types. It stands for the Digital Visual Interface. It is the pretty easy and standard interface these days and it is most commonly used on some high resolution displays. The DVI is of two kinds, one is the single link and another one is the dual link. It doesn't include the number of cables that are being used. It is the amount of the signals that are being passed through one cable. In a single linked connection, around 3.7 GBPS traffic is passed through. There are the dual linked connections as well which are even faster than these. If the digital signal is being worked on with the DVI, then it would be known as the DVI-D. D here represents the Digital. One can find both single linked and the dual linked connections for DVI-D.

DVI-I: This type of DVI is integrated one and it can send the Analog and the digital signals both using the same type of connection. Also, there are the two various kinds of the dual linked and the single linked connections out there for the DVI integration. 

DVI-A: if one is working on the Analog signal on the DVI, then connection would look like it is on the top and it is called the DVI-A. Here, the A stands for the Analog.

Display Port: Display port is the type of connection that one would find for the videos. This connection is the standard one and has been created from the Video Electronics Standards Associations. The amazing thing about this standard is that one can use it without having any type of royalty. So if the manufacturer implements this technology in the laptop or the computer one is using, the manufacturer won't have to pay anything. The data sent s normally done in the packet forms. It's same as the data that is sent through the PCIe or the sending of the data using the Ethernet connections. The task performed by it is simple; it takes the digital signals and then sends the packets on these specific connections. Also, one of its types is common to the HDMI. All that one needs to do is to put some passive connector at the end of it a one would see that these can get connected to this interface as well.

RCA: This connector is very old and has been in use since the 1940s. This is used for both the video and the audio. Sometimes, it's also called as the phone connector. This connecter is very common when it comes to the composite video. Normally, the single link is used by the composite video and there is only the yellow link. Also, it is commonly used in the conjunctions with the audio.

HD15 (i.e. DE15 or DB15): Another connecter which has been there since a long time is the VGA connector. Normally, one can find it packed with the DE-15 connector which is the 15 pins connector. It might also be written as the DB-15. The later one is the much wide connector. But, both of them are accepted while describing this specific video connection. They are mostly coloured as blue. This one is the standard guide line of the PC system design which is used by whole industry.

BNC: This type of connector is mostly used in the industries. It works in a way that it gets difficult to pull it, and it can be pulled out only if one pushes it in, turns it and then get it out. It mostly used in the videos with the high ends. Also, one has to ensure it stays connected always and doesn't get unplugged by an accident.

Mini HDMI: This connector can be found easily on some small devices. It is also called as the connector type C. It is actually designed for the devices which are small in size and one can even find a Micro HDMI which is named as the type D.

RJ-45: The places which are the large data centres, one would find that video is sent through some twisted pair. It is known as the RJ Connector. If someone wants to get the video extended from some different devices, one would find them there a lot.

Mini Din-6: this connector type is also known as the separate video it is given a name of the SOVideo. This video type is Analog and is not finding so commonly these days. But, some legacy devices do contain this amazing connector. It contains 2 channels. One is for the colours and the other ones for the intensity. Normally, the usage of this connector is for the low resolution and some low definition picture. But it is the connector that gives only one cable only for videos. Display cable types:

Display Cable types

There are many types of the devices which can get connected to a system. Many of them have the completely different kind of connectors. There are various cables which are associated with each connector. These are the cable types which are used for the connectors;

HDMI: HDMI is mostly associated with TV only. But it's the type of cable used in TVs as well. Through this cable, audio and the video can be sent at the very same time. It is a complete digital connection and one cannot send the Analog signal through it.

DVI: The DVI cables are of different types. These cables are the digital and the Analog ones. There are also the dual links in which the data can be passed as much as twice it passes through the DVI single link.

VGA:- The VGA gives the output of the Analog video signal. One can notice this if he tries to take a display and stretch that VGA over some long distance. It is different from the digital connection where one might or might not get the signal. Instead, one gets the bad display which doesn't look as good as it should have.

Composite: The composite cable is used for the composite connector that has the composite video. One can find it since it's normally of blue colour.

S-video: The separate video is sent through this cable. The type of this connection is Analog.

RGB: RGB is the cable which is normally used with a BNC connection. These videos are normally blue, red and green. Also, the vertical and the horizontal sync both are sent there across the various wires.

Coaxial: This cable is called coaxial since it has many dimensions and this cable is sued to carry the signals from one end to another.

Ethernet: Ethernet cable is mainly used when the computer cannot connect to the Wi-Fi. Normally it's connected between the Router and the LAN card.

Device connectors and pin arrangements:

One can find many connections which are connected to the computers and the cables which are used for the USB devices, parallel links, hard drives etc. are as follows;

SATA: The cables and the connectors that one can find on the SATA drives are pretty unique. At the back of the SATA drive, one can find the Molex Power Connection. One can also find some jumpers there which are there for the configurations of the changes done to the drive. One can find the large 15 pin connection there which is for the Power. There would be a smaller connector too which is the data connector.

eSATA: This device is the external SATA not installed within a PC but is connected outside the PC. The connection on the eSATA is only one which is connected through the regular cable.

PATA: This drive has many connectors which are different from each other types which are It is also known as the ATA drive. The data connector which is is larger than the one at on the PATA is pretty connection in 2 rows. It is also normally filled on a ribbon cable. So, one can plug that cable in a specific way.

IDE: This device is the most common one and is known as the Parallel ATA as well.

EIDE: this device is the Enhanced IDE and only the IBM computers contain this device.

Floppy: The floppy drive contains the 34 pins connection. It also is a ribbon connection but the size is different. The same connection can't be used as the PATA drive on the floppy drive since they are different in sizes.

USB: if one is connected to a mouse, keyboard etc., then the USB is used as the connection type. Also, one can see a type A plug that is on the motherboard and there would be a type B connection too. One can find and purchase the USB hub which helps one expanding the USB connectors.

IEEE1394: The Firewire isn't that common now but still many computers have it. They have the IEEE 1394 cables. Here one can find the six pin connector. It helps the power to be seen to the Firewire connection hence the peripherals can be powered up.

SCSI: These devices have their own special connector types. One can find some very high end 68 pins connection there on it. Some of these devices also use the 50 Pins connector but they have been obsoleted.

PS/2: This has emerged from the old version of IBM computers; it has some standard connector which is small one. It can be used for more than the mouse and keyboards.

Parallel: the parallel pin connector is used for the printers. They are normally purple. Also, they can be black. The 25 Pins connector can be recognized easily due to its colour.

Serial (DB-9): these are some legacy connections found at the back of computers. They can be missed easily since they are so small. They are now used to plug in the routers and the switches. The modern connector contains the 9 pins connection but the older ones might also need the 25 pins connection.

Audio: Audio device is connected with the cables at the end of the computer. There would be the three and the half millimetre connector, Also, there can be 1.8th inch connector. These are called the TRS connections. RJ-45: RJ connector is used when the Ethernet cable is used. It stands for the registered jack. It has the 8 positions and the all 8 positions can be on the cable itself. Each position contains conductor so it is called as the 8P8C as well. 


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