Legislations and IT in Nepal MCQ IT Officer(PSC)
1. A genetic term that is concerned to the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and computer technology.
a. Copyright law
b. Cyber law
c. Computer Crime
d. None of them
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Cyber law encompasses the legal and regulatory aspects of internet and computer technology. The correct answer is "b".
2. "The Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act Ordinance" is Known as:
a. Intellectual Property Law
b. Cyber Law
c. Telecommunication Law
d. Data Protection Law
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: This act is commonly referred to as Cyber Law in Nepal, governing electronic transactions and digital signatures. The correct answer is "b".
3. A criminal activity within the information technology infrastructure.
a. Digital crime
b. Intellectual property
c. Cybercrime
d. All of them
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Cybercrime specifically refers to criminal activities conducted within IT infrastructure. The correct answer is "c".
4. ______ is the normal Principal that regulates the use of computers.
a. Cyber Law
b. Cyber act
c. Computer ethics
d. All of them
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Computer ethics are the principles guiding the responsible and ethical use of computers. The correct answer is "c".
5. The method of making the data or message unreadable by unauthorized people.
a. Digital signature
b. Decryption
c. Encryption
d. All of them
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Encryption is the process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access. The correct answer is "c".
6. Premeditated, usually politically-motivated violence committed against civilians through the use of, or with the help of, computer technology
a. Cyber stalking
b. Cyber laundering
c. Cyber theft
d. Cyber terrorism
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Cyber terrorism involves premeditated, politically motivated attacks using computer technology. The correct answer is "d".
7. The act of attempting to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy source.
a. Hacking
b. Phishing
c. Computer Virus
d. Cyber stalking
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Phishing involves tricking users into providing sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity. The correct answer is "b".
8. Which of the following is computer crime?
a. Piracy
b. Pornography
c. Harassment
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Piracy (illegal copying), pornography (illegal distribution), and harassment (cyberbullying) are all recognized as computer crimes. The correct answer is "d".
9. Which of the following is not computer crime?
a. Plagiarism
b. Password guessing
c. Internet
d. Virus transferring
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: The internet is a medium, not a crime, whereas plagiarism, password guessing, and virus transferring are criminal activities. The correct answer is "c".
10. Which of the following is included in cyber law?
a. Trademark right
b. Copyright
c. Data privacy
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Cyber law covers trademark rights, copyright, and data privacy as part of its legal framework. The correct answer is "d".
11. Which of the following is not computer ethics?
a. Not to steal data
b. Not to bear false message
c. Not to use Internet
d. Not to harm the society
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Not using the internet is not a principle of computer ethics; the others (avoiding theft, false messages, and harm) are ethical guidelines. The correct answer is "c".
12. The term 'cyberspace' was used in:
a. 1984
b. 1884
c. 1985
d. 1885
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The term 'cyberspace' was coined by William Gibson in his 1984 novel Neuromancer. The correct answer is "a".
13. The law which includes literature and art, films, computer programs, invention, designed used by traders for their goods or services is called:
a. Data Privacy Law
b. Intellectual Property Law
c. Telecommunication Law
d. Cyber crime Law
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Intellectual Property Law protects creations like literature, art, films, and trademarks. The correct answer is "b".
14. The Process of ensuring the preservation, integrity and reliability of data is Known as:
a. Intellectual Property Law
b. Data Protection and Privacy law
c. Cyber Law
d. Telecommunication Law
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Data Protection and Privacy Law ensures data preservation, integrity, and reliability. The correct answer is "b".
15. The law that provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.
a. Digital signature law
b. Intellectual property law
c. Telecommunication law
d. IT law
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Digital signature law (e.g., Electronic Transaction Act) provides a framework for secure electronic transactions. The correct answer is "a".
16. When was the IT policy first built?
a. 1990
b. 2000
c. 2001
d. 2003
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Nepal's first IT Policy was introduced in 2000 (2057 BS). The correct answer is "b".
17. In which city, IT park will be established?
a. Kathmandu
b. Dhulikhel
c. Banepa
d. Biratnagar
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: The IT park in Nepal is planned to be established in Banepa, as per government initiatives. The correct answer is "c".
18. What is the slogan of long term program, according to IT policy, 2057?
a. Computer education to all by 2010 AD
b. Computer education to all by 2005 AD
c. Computer education to all by 2015 AD
d. Computer education to all by 2011 AD
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The IT Policy 2057 aimed for "Computer education to all by 2010 AD" as a long-term goal. The correct answer is "a".
19. Which is not objective of IT policy, 2057?
a. To increase employment
b. To increase unemployment
c. To establish knowledge based industries
d. To develop knowledge based society
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Increasing unemployment contradicts the IT Policy 2057's goals of employment growth and development. The correct answer is "b".
20. When shall be Nepal placed on global map of Information technology, according to IT policy, 2057?
a. within next 10 years
b. within next 5 years
c. within next 15 years
d. within next 12 years
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: The IT Policy 2057 aimed to place Nepal on the global IT map within the next 5 years from 2000 (by 2005). The correct answer is "b".
MCQs from "IT in Nepal" (Document 2, PAGE2)
21. GIDC is
a. Government Integrated Data Center
b. Government Integrated Data Council
c. Government Integrated Data Committee
d. Government Integrated Data Communication
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: GIDC stands for Government Integrated Data Center, a centralized facility for government data management in Nepal. The correct answer is "a".
22. The difference between people with access to computers and the internet and those without this access in known as the
a. digital divide
b. internet divide
c. web divide
d. e-illiteracy
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The digital divide refers to the gap between those with and without access to digital technologies like computers and the internet. The correct answer is "a".
23. The mission of ICT Policy 2072 are:
a. E-government
b. Sustainable development
c. Poverty elimination
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: The ICT Policy 2072 of Nepal includes missions like e-government, sustainable development, and poverty elimination. The correct answer is "d".
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