MIS and Web Engineering MCQ IT Officer(PSC)
MCQs from PAGE1
1. Which of these is correct about data mining?
a. It is a procedure in which knowledge is mined from data.
b. It involves processes like Data Transformation, Data Integration, Data Cleaning.
c. It is a procedure using which one can extract information out of huge sets of data.
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data mining encompasses all these aspects: it extracts knowledge from data, involves processes like transformation and cleaning, and extracts information from large datasets. The correct answer is "d".
2. The total categories of functions that are involved in Data Mining are:
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data mining functions are generally categorized into two main types: descriptive (e.g., clustering, association) and predictive (e.g., classification, regression). The answer sheet lists "d," aligning with this categorization. The correct answer is "d".
3. The classification or mapping of a class using a predefined class or group is called:
a. Data Sub Structure
b. Data Set
c. Data Discrimination
d. Data Characterisation
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Data discrimination involves comparing and classifying data into predefined classes or groups, often used in data mining to differentiate target classes. The correct answer is "c".
4. What is the analysis conducted for uncovering some interesting statistical correlations between various associated-attribute-value pairs called?
a. Mining of Clusters
b. Mining of Correlations
c. Mining of Association
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Mining of correlations focuses on finding statistical relationships between attribute-value pairs, often used in market basket analysis or similar applications. The answer sheet lists "b," but "c" (Mining of Association) is closely related; however, correlations are more statistical, so "b" is correct. The correct answer is "b".
5. ______ are the data objects that don't comply with the general model or behaviour of the available data:
a. Evolution Analysis
b. Outlier Analysis
c. Classification
d. Prediction
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Outlier analysis identifies data objects that deviate significantly from the general behavior or model, often used to detect anomalies. The correct answer is "b".
6. The issues of "Scalability and efficiency of the data mining algorithms" come under:
a. User Interaction and Mining Methodology Issues
b. Diverse Data Types Issues
c. Performance Issues
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Scalability and efficiency are performance-related issues in data mining, concerning how algorithms handle large datasets and computational resources. The correct answer is "c".
7. In Data Warehousing, how many approaches are there for the integration of heterogeneous databases?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: The two primary approaches for integrating heterogeneous databases in data warehousing are the Query-Driven Approach (lazy integration) and the Update-Driven Approach (eager integration). The correct answer is "d".
8. In Data Warehousing, which of these is the correct advantage of the Update-Driven Approach?
a. It provides high performance.
b. It can be processed, copied, annotated, integrated, restructured and summarised in advance in the semantic data store.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: The Update-Driven Approach pre-processes data (integrated, summarized, etc.) in advance, providing high performance for queries. Both statements are advantages. The correct answer is "c".
9. The primary use of data cleaning is:
a. Removing the noisy data
b. Correction of the data inconsistencies
c. Transformations for correcting the wrong data
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data cleaning involves removing noise, correcting inconsistencies, and transforming data to fix errors, ensuring quality for analysis. The correct answer is "d".
10. The classification of the Data Mining System consists of:
a. Machine Learning
b. Information Science
c. Database Technology
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data mining systems integrate techniques from machine learning, information science, and database technology to extract knowledge from data. The correct answer is "d".
11. Out of the following, which one is the proper application of data mining?
a. Fraud Detection
b. Market Management and Analysis
c. Risk Management & Corporate Analysis
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data mining is widely applied in fraud detection, market analysis, and risk management, among others. The correct answer is "d".
12. The class under study in Data Characterization is known as:
a. Final Class
b. Target Class
c. Initial Class
d. Study Class
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: In data characterization, the class being analyzed or summarized is called the target class. The correct answer is "b".
13. ______ is a sequence of patterns that frequently occur is called as:
a. Frequent Subsequence
b. Frequent Substructure
c. Frequent Item Set
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: A frequent subsequence refers to a sequence of patterns that occur frequently in a dataset, often used in sequential pattern mining. The correct answer is "a".
14. ______ means the description and trends or model regularities for those objects whose behavior would change eventually over time.
a. Evolution Analysis
b. Outlier Analysis
c. Classification
d. Prediction
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Evolution analysis studies trends and regularities in data objects whose behavior changes over time, often used in time-series analysis. The correct answer is "a".
15. The issue of Pattern evaluation comes under which of these?
a. Performance Issues
b. Diverse Data Types Issues
c. User Interaction & Mining Methodology Issues
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Pattern evaluation, which involves assessing the significance of mined patterns, falls under user interaction and mining methodology issues, as it relates to how users interpret and refine results. The correct answer is "c".
16. The issue of "Handling complex and relational types of data" comes under:
a. User Interaction & Mining Methodology Issues
b. Diverse Data Types Issues
c. Performance Issues
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Handling complex and relational data types is a challenge related to diverse data types, as it involves managing varied data structures. The correct answer is "b".
MCQs from PAGE2
17. In Data Warehousing, which of these is a valid disadvantage of the Query-Driven Approach?
a. Query Driven Approach is very expensive and very inefficient for frequent queries.
b. This approach is very expensive for those queries that need aggregations.
c. It requires complex processes of integration and filtering.
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: The Query-Driven Approach has multiple disadvantages: it is inefficient for frequent queries, costly for aggregations, and requires complex integration and filtering processes. The correct answer is "d".
18. The initial steps concerned in the process of knowledge discovery is:
a. Data Selection
b. Data Integration
c. Data Cleaning
d. Data Transformation
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The first step in the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process is data selection, where relevant data is identified and retrieved. The answer sheet lists "c," but "a" is correct based on standard KDD steps. The correct answer is "a".
19. Multiple numbers of data sources get combined in which step of the Knowledge Discovery?
a. Data Transformation
b. Data Selection
c. Data Integration
d. Data Cleaning
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Data integration combines data from multiple sources into a unified view, a key step in the KDD process. The correct answer is "c".
20. The full form of DMQL is:
a. Data Marts Query Language
b. DBMiner Query Language
c. Dataset Mining Query Language
d. Data Mining Query Language
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: DMQL stands for Data Mining Query Language, used to specify data mining tasks in some systems. The correct answer is "d".
21. Which of the following is generally used in finding hidden structure and patterns in a given unlabelled data?
a. Supervised learning
b. Unsupervised learning
c. Reinforcement learning
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Unsupervised learning is used to find hidden patterns or structures in unlabeled data, such as clustering or association. The correct answer is "b".
22. Which of the following refers to obtaining information from the unstructured textual data?
a. Information retrieval
b. Information access
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Information retrieval focuses on extracting relevant information from unstructured textual data, such as search engines. The correct answer is "a".
23. The correct order in which all sub-processes of data mining executes is
a. Infrastructure, Exploration, Analysis, Interpretation, Exploitation
b. Infrastructure, Exploration, Analysis, Exploitation, Interpretation
c. Exploration, Interpretation, Infrastructure, Analysis, Exploitation
d. Exploration, Infrastructure, Exploitation, Analysis, Interpretation
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The typical data mining process follows: Infrastructure (setup), Exploration (data understanding), Analysis (model building), Interpretation (evaluating results), and Exploitation (using results). The correct answer is "a".
24. KDD stands for?
a. Knowledge Discovery Database
b. Knowledge Definition Data
c. Knowledge Data Discovery
d. Knowledge Data Definition
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: KDD stands for Knowledge Discovery in Databases, the process of extracting knowledge from data. The correct answer is "a".
25. Functions of Data Mining are
a. Association and correctional analysis classification
b. Prediction and characterization
c. Cluster analysis and evolution analysis
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Data mining includes all these functions: association, correlation, classification, prediction, characterization, clustering, and evolution analysis. The correct answer is "d".
26. Which of the following statements about hierarchical clustering is incorrect?
a. The hierarchal clustering can mainly be used for the aim of exploration
b. The hierarchal clustering can mainly be used for prediction
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Hierarchical clustering is primarily used for exploration (e.g., identifying data structures), not for prediction, which is more associated with supervised learning. The answer sheet lists "a," but "b" is the incorrect statement. The correct answer is "b".
27. The self-organising maps can be considered as
a. Unsupervised learning
b. Supervised learning
c. Reinforcement learning
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Self-organizing maps (SOMs) are a type of unsupervised learning used for clustering and visualization. The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct. The correct answer is "a".
28. Which of the following statements is true about the classification?
a. It is a measure of accuracy
b. It is a subdivision of a set
c. It is the task of assigning a classification
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Classification is the task of assigning data to predefined categories or classes based on features. The answer sheet lists "b," but "c" is correct. The correct answer is "c".
29. "Hybrid" is defined as
a. Combining different types of method or information
b. Information base filled with the knowledge of an expert
c. The design of learning algorithms which are lined along the theory of evolution
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: In data mining, a hybrid approach refers to combining different methods or information types (e.g., combining clustering and classification). The correct answer is "a".
30. Which of the following is defined as the Euclidean distance measure?
a. Finding the solution for a problem simply by summarising all possible solutions
b. A KDD process stage in which new data is added to the existing selection
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: The Euclidean distance measure is a mathematical metric to calculate the distance between two points in space, not related to the options provided. The answer sheet lists "a," but "d" is correct as none of the options define Euclidean distance. The correct answer is "d".
31. ______ can be considered as the correct application of data mining.
a. Fraud detection
b. Management and market analysis
c. Corporate Analysis & Risk management
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 11. Data mining applications include fraud detection, market analysis, and risk management. The correct answer is "d".
MCQs from PAGE3
32. ______ is referred to as the Class study in data cauterization.
a. First class
b. Target class
c. Final class
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 12 (likely a typo: "cauterization" should be "characterization"). The target class is the class under study in data characterization. The correct answer is "b".
33. ______ refers to the sequence of patterns that occurs frequently.
a. Frequent sub-sequence
b. Frequent substitution
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 13. A frequent sub-sequence refers to frequently occurring sequential patterns. The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct. The correct answer is "a".
34. "Handling the rational and complex types of data" comes under the category.
a. Diverse Data Type
b. Performance issues
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 16 (likely a typo: "rational" should be "relational"). Handling complex and relational data falls under diverse data types issues. The correct answer is "a".
35. ______ is used as the first step in the knowledge discovery process.
a. Data selection
b. Data cleaning
c. Data transfer
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 18. Data selection is the first step in the KDD process. The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct. The correct answer is "a".
36. The knowledge discovery process in which several data are combined
a. Data integration
b. Data selection
c. Data cleaning
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: This is a duplicate of question 19. Data integration combines multiple data sources in the KDD process. The correct answer is "a".
37. Data Independence is referred to as
a. Programs independent of the logical attributes
b. Programs are dependent on the physical attributes of data
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Data independence means programs are independent of the logical (schema) or physical (storage) attributes of data, allowing changes without affecting the program. The answer sheet lists "c," but "a" is correct. The correct answer is "a".
38. ______ generally used by the E-R model to represent the weak entities?
a. Doubly outlined rectangle
b. Dotted rectangle
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: In an E-R diagram, weak entities are represented by a doubly outlined rectangle, while their identifying relationship is shown with a double diamond. The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct. The correct answer is "a".
39. ______ must be considered before investing in data mining.
a. Functionality
b. Compatibility
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Before investing in data mining, both functionality (what the system can do) and compatibility (integration with existing systems) must be considered. The correct answer is "c".
40. ______ is an organized portfolio of formal systems for obtaining processing and delivering information in support of the business operations and management of an organization.
a. MIS
b. DSS
c. MRS
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Management Information Systems (MIS) provide structured information to support business operations and management. The correct answer is "a".
41. ______ expressly designed for the support of individual and collective decision-making.
a. MIS
b. DSS
c. TPS
d. ONE
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Decision Support Systems (DSS) are designed to assist in decision-making by providing analytical tools and data access. The correct answer is "b".
42. ______ are formal social units devoted to the attainment of specific goals.
a. Management
b. Organization
c. Decision support system
d. None of these
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: An organization is a formal social unit focused on achieving specific goals, such as a company or institution. The correct answer is "b".
43. W3C stands for
a. World Wide Web Consortium
b. World Wide Web Collaboration
c. World Wide Web Community
d. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium, the organization responsible for web standards. The correct answer is "a".
44. The cost of information can be
a. Costly
b. Valuable
c. Processing
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The cost of information refers to the resources (e.g., time, money) required to acquire and process it, which can be costly. The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" aligns with the context of "cost." The correct answer is "a".
45. ______ technology includes, computers hardware, software, database management systems, and data communication system.
a. Information
b. Computer
c. Marketing
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Information technology encompasses computers, software, databases, and communication systems to manage and process information. The correct answer is "a".
46. Management, science, also known as ______ is a field of applied mathematics.
a. Operations research
b. Management accounting
c. Exchange commission
d. System theory
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Operations research, also called management science, applies mathematical methods to decision-making and optimization. The correct answer is "a".
47. Mass production of computers started in ______ when UNIVAC 1 was delivered.
a. 1951
b. 1953
c. 1946
d. 1954
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer, was delivered in 1951, marking the start of mass computer production. The correct answer is "a".
48. ______ can occur at the individual, group, organizational or extra-organizational level.
a. Planning
b. Controlling
c. Organizing
d. Scheduling
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Planning occurs at various levels (individual, group, organizational, etc.) to set goals and strategies. The correct answer is "a".
49. ______ refers to the deployment, development, assessment, rewarding, and management of individual organizational members and worker groups. ______ is the management of raw materials, partially completed goods service.
a. Inventory control, HRM
b. Human resource management, Inventory control
c. Capacity planning, Human resource planning
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Human Resource Management (HRM) manages employees, while inventory control manages raw materials and goods. The correct answer is "b".
50. ______ ensuring that performance meets established standards that worker's activities occur as planned and that the organization process.
a. Controlling
b. Planning
c. Leading
d. Organizing
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Controlling ensures that performance aligns with standards and plans, monitoring and correcting activities. The correct answer is "a".
MCQs from PAGE4
51. What category of web-based system would you assign to electronic shopping?
a. Informational
b. Interactive
c. Transaction-oriented
d. Workflow-oriented
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Electronic shopping involves transactions (e.g., buying products), making it a transaction-oriented web system. The correct answer is "c".
52. Which of the following statements are incorrect with reference to web-based systems? Web-based systems
a. should be unscalable
b. must be able to cope with uncertain, random heavy demands on services
c. must be secure
d. are subject to assorted legal, social, and ethical scrutiny
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Web-based systems should be scalable to handle growth, so "unscalable" is incorrect. The other statements are true. The correct answer is "a".
53. ______ is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing the financial activities of an organization.
a. Planning
b. Managerial
c. Accounting
d. Diagnosis
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Accounting involves recording, classifying, and summarizing financial activities. The correct answer is "c".
54. Humans and computers are ______ in their ability to filter and save information.
a. Similar
b. Different
c. Complementary
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Humans and computers complement each other: humans filter information intuitively, while computers store and process it efficiently. The correct answer is "c".
55. Which analysis is a part of Analysis model of the web engineering process framework?
a. Content Analysis
b. Interaction Analysis
c. Functional Analysis
d. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: The web engineering analysis model includes content analysis (data structure), interaction analysis (user navigation), and functional analysis (processing requirements). The correct answer is "d".
56. EDI is an example of
a. Decision-making
b. Boundary system
c. Coordination
d. Modeling
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) facilitates coordination by enabling standardized data exchange between organizations. The answer sheet lists "b," but "c" is correct. The correct answer is "c".
57. Telecommunications means multiple computers interconnected into networks is called
a. Distributed database
b. Distributed processing
c. Central processing
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Distributed processing refers to multiple computers interconnected via telecommunications to process data collaboratively. The correct answer is "b".
58. Newspaper, magazine, radio, television are examples of
a. Storing information
b. Retrieving information
c. Communication information
d. Acquiring information
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: These media are used to communicate information to a wide audience. The answer sheet lists "d," but "c" is correct. The correct answer is "c".
59. MRS stands for
a. Management reporting system
b. Management resource system
c. Management retrieves system
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: MRS stands for Management Reporting System, used to generate reports for management. The correct answer is "a".
60. EIS should offer the capability to ______ into the data.
a. Drill down
b. Drill up
c. Drill diagonal
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Executive Information Systems (EIS) allow users to drill down into data for detailed analysis. The correct answer is "a".
61. A strategy ______ seeks to achieve competitive advantages by allowing the business unit to make more profit than its competitors.
a. Focus
b. Cost leadership
c. Linkage
d. Information leadership
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Cost leadership is a strategy to gain a competitive advantage by offering lower costs than competitors, increasing profit margins. The correct answer is "b".
62. Which process model should be used in virtually all situations of web engineering?
a. Incremental Model
b. Waterfall Model
c. Spiral Model
d. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The Incremental Model is preferred in web engineering due to its iterative nature, allowing for continuous feedback and adaptation. The correct answer is "a".
63. If the user queries a collection of large databases and extracts information from the webapp, the webapp is categorized under
a. Service oriented app
b. Database access app
c. Portal app
d. Data warehousing app
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: A webapp that allows querying large databases is a database access app, focused on data retrieval. The answer sheet lists "d," but "b" is correct. The correct answer is "b".
64. ______ is a feature provided for ensuring that the transaction is completed with regard to the business rules set by the management.
a. Advocacy
b. Authorization
c. Signature
d. Policy formulation
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Authorization ensures transactions comply with business rules by verifying permissions. The correct answer is "b".
65. The architecture of the MIS plan provides:
a. A way to handle the system or subsystem by way of simplification, coupling, and decoupling of subsystems.
b. For preparing the schedule of the system in the overall information requirement
c. Online information on the stocks markets and the accounts balance
d. None of these
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: MIS architecture focuses on structuring systems through simplification, coupling, and decoupling to manage complexity. The correct answer is "a".
66. Michael Hammer defines re-engineer as ______ and radical redesign of business process to achieve the performance such as cost, quality, service, and speed.
a. Business process
b. The fundamental rethinking
c. Organization restructuring
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Michael Hammer defines business process reengineering as "the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign" of processes to improve performance. The correct answer is "b".
67. The ______ calls for trimming and chopping of these designs so that the cost is reduced, service is improved and the customer gets the higher value at a higher speed.
a. Business process
b. Radical redesign
c. The fundamental rethinking
d. None of these
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Radical redesign, as part of reengineering, involves restructuring processes to reduce costs and improve service and speed. The correct answer is "b".
68. Which web app attribute is defined by the statement: "The quality and aesthetic nature of content remains an important determinant of the quality of a WebApp"?
a. Availability
b. Data driven
c. Content sensitive
d. Continuous evolution
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Content sensitivity refers to the importance of quality and aesthetics in a web app’s content, impacting its overall quality. The correct answer is "c".
MCQs from PAGE5
69. A process in any area of the business organization performs basic steps such as, receive input, measuring, analyzing, documenting, performing, process, record/storing, access, produce, & communicating.
a. Value
b. Decision making
c. Business
d. Re-engineering
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: A business process involves these steps to achieve organizational goals. The correct answer is "c".
70. A ______ is a measure, an intangible measure, which is difficult to count in clear terms.
a. Model
b. Business
c. Value
d. Organization
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Value is an intangible measure (e.g., customer satisfaction) that is hard to quantify precisely. The correct answer is "c".
71. The business re-engineering requires a major change in the
a. Machine
b. Mindset
c. Material
d. Infrastructure
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Business reengineering requires a shift in mindset to rethink and redesign processes fundamentally. The correct answer is "b".
72. Which web app attribute is defined by the statement: "A large number of users may access the WebApp at one time"?
a. Unpredictable load
b. Performance
c. Concurrency
d. Network intensiveness
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Concurrency refers to the ability of a web app to handle multiple users accessing it simultaneously. The correct answer is "c".
73. ______ is the process of identifying a problem, developing alternative solutions, and choosing and implementing.
a. Decision-making
b. Business
c. Value
d. Re-engineering
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Decision-making involves identifying problems, exploring solutions, and implementing the best one. The answer sheet lists "a," but "b" (Cognitive) aligns with the next question; "a" is correct here. The correct answer is "a".
74. Decision-making is a ______ activity.
a. Intuitive
b. Cognitive
c. Systematic
d. Analytic
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Decision-making is a cognitive activity involving mental processes like reasoning and judgment. The correct answer is "b".
75. A decision maker approaches a problem by structuring it and applying a well-defined method to lead to a solution.
a. Intuitive
b. Systematic
c. Cognitive
d. All the above
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: A systematic approach involves structured methods to solve problems, as opposed to intuitive or purely cognitive methods. The correct answer is "b".
76. ______ systems are interactive information systems that assist a decision-maker in approaching ill-structured problems by offering analytical models and access to database.
a. Decision making
b. Systematic
c. Cognitive
d. Decision support systems
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Decision Support Systems (DSS) assist with ill-structured problems using models and data access. The correct answer is "d".
77. The components of DSS -
a. Data management subsystems
b. Model management sub-system
c. Dialog management sub-system
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d
Explanation: A DSS includes data management, model management, and dialog management subsystems to support decision-making. The correct answer is "d".
78. ______ systems help to analyze historical and current data either on-demand or periodically.
a. Data access system
b. Data analysis system
c. Forecast-oriented data analysis system
d. System based on accounting models
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Data analysis systems analyze historical and current data for insights, either on-demand or periodically. The correct answer is "b".
79. A ______ is the actual system that a manager works with during the decision process.
a. Specific DSS
b. DSS generators
c. DSS tools
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: A Specific DSS is the actual system tailored for a manager’s decision-making needs. The correct answer is "a".
80. Which of the following is a risk associated with using hypertext in web applications?
a. Loss of sense of locality and direction
b. Cognitive overload for users
c. All of the mentioned
d. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Hypertext can lead to loss of locality (disorientation) and cognitive overload (too many links), both of which are risks. The correct answer is "c".
81. ______ processing involves duplicating, sorting, and filling data. ______ processing with electronic scanners involves transforming and entering the data into an electronic form.
a. Manual, electronic
b. Electronic, manual
c. Transforming
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: Manual processing involves duplicating and sorting, while electronic processing with scanners transforms data into electronic form. The correct answer is "a".
82. ______ and society need to use a variety of systems to organize the collection, storage, processing, retrieval, and communication of information.
a. Management, society
b. Communicating, organizations
c. Individuals, organizations
d. None of these
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Individuals and organizations use systems to manage information across various functions. The correct answer is "c".
83. MIS is both an area of ______ and a ______ of scholarly inquiry.
a. Design, diagnosis
b. Practice, discipline
c. Evaluation, implementation
d. None of these
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: MIS is an area of practice (application in organizations) and a discipline (academic study). The answer sheet lists "a," but "b" is correct. The correct answer is "b".
84. The first electronic computer, ______ was completed in 1946 at the university of ______
a. ENIAC, Pennsylvania
b. UNIVAC, Pennsylvania
c. ENIAC, Charles Babbage
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: a
Explanation: The ENIAC, the first electronic computer, was completed in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. The correct answer is "a".
85. ______ managers who act as project managers might be responsible for one or more unique projects and ______ managers supervise teams of workers who must accomplish a specific goal.
a. Middle, project
b. Project, middle
c. Top, middle
d. Top, project
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Project managers handle unique projects, while middle managers supervise teams to achieve goals. The correct answer is "b".
MCQs from PAGE6
86. ______ refers to taking actions that direct and motivate employees to accomplish personal and organizational goals. ______ establishing a formal reporting structure and a system of accountability among workers.
a. Organizing, leading
b. Planning, controlling
c. Leading, organizing
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
Explanation: Leading involves motivating employees, while organizing establishes structures and accountability. The correct answer is "c".
87. Operations can encompass
a. Only manufacturing
b. Manufacturing and the provision of services
c. Services only
d. Nonprofit organizations
Correct Answer: b
Explanation: Operations include both manufacturing and services, covering a wide range of organizational activities. The correct answer is "b".
Summary of Corrections
- PAGE1:
- Question 4: The answer sheet lists "b" (Mining of Correlations), which is correct, though "c" (Mining of Association) is closely related.
- PAGE2:
- Question 18: The answer sheet lists "c" (Data Cleaning), but "a" (Data Selection) is the correct first step in KDD.
- Question 26: The answer sheet lists "a," but "b" is the incorrect statement about hierarchical clustering.
- Question 27: The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" (Unsupervised learning) is correct for self-organizing maps.
- Question 28: The answer sheet lists "b," but "c" is the correct definition of classification.
- Question 30: The answer sheet lists "a," but "d" is correct as none of the options define Euclidean distance.
- PAGE3:
- Question 33: The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct for frequent sub-sequence.
- Question 35: The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" is correct for the first step in KDD.
- Question 37: The answer sheet lists "c," but "a" is correct for data independence.
- Question 38: The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" (Doubly outlined rectangle) is correct for weak entities in E-R models.
- Question 44: The answer sheet lists "b," but "a" (Costly) is correct in the context of the cost of information.
- PAGE4:
- Question 56: The answer sheet lists "b," but "c" (Coordination) is correct for EDI.
- Question 58: The answer sheet lists "d," but "c" (Communication information) is correct for media like newspapers.
- Question 63: The answer sheet lists "d," but "b" (Database access app) is correct for querying large databases.
- PAGE5:
- Question 83: The answer sheet lists "a," but "b" (Practice, discipline) is correct for MIS.
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