Motherboard The motherboard is a large PCB board that is found in all programmable electronic devices The component attached to the board may differ from one system to another. The desktop has different types of sockets and hardware than Smartphone. CPU, memory, storage, capacitor, transistor, slots, and connectors are all common components in all electronic devices. The motherboard is a thin printed circuit board (PCB) which links all different components inside your computer. So, we can say the motherboard acts as a hub in a network. People call motherboard with a different name like main board, logic board, baseboard, system board, mobo, etc. Parts of the Motherboard are as follow. 1. RAM Chip and RAM Slot 2. CPU Chip and Socket 3. PCI Slots 4. ROM Chip 5. Accelerated Graphics Port 6. North Bridge 7. Southbridge 8. CMOS Battery 9. Power Supply Plug 10. Parallel Port 11. Serial Port 2 x PCI Express Slatk microphone port 12. SATA and PATA Connector 13. USB Port 14. DVI Por...