
Showing posts with the label Question

Database Management System and Design MCQ IT Officer(PSC)

  MCQs from PAGE1 1. ______ offers the ability to query the data and insert, after, and delete tuples. a. Transaction Control Language (TCL) b. Data Control Language (DCL) c. Data Definition Language (DDL) d. Data Manipulation Language (DML) Correct Answer: d Explanation: Data Manipulation Language (DML) includes commands like SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE , which are used to query and manipulate data (tuples) in a database. TCL manages transactions, DCL controls access, and DDL defines structures. The correct answer is "d". 2. We can add or remove the user IDs using which of these fixed roles? a. db_setupadmin b. db_securityadmin c. db_accessadmin d. db_sysadmin Correct Answer: c Explanation: The db_accessadmin role in SQL Server is specifically designed to manage user permissions, including adding or removing user IDs. Other roles have different responsibilities (e.g., db_securityadmin manages security, db_sysadmin is for system administration)....

Data Structure and Algorithms MCQ IT Officer(PSC)

  1. A queue follows a. LIFO principle b. FIFO principle c. Linear tree d. Ordered array Correct Answer: b Explanation: A queue follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where the first element added is the first to be removed, similar to a real-world queue (e.g., a line of people). LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) applies to stacks, not queues. 2. The time complexity used for inserting a node in a priority queue on the basis of key is: a. O(n) b. O(n²) c. O(nlogn) d. O(log n) Correct Answer: d Explanation: In a priority queue implemented using a heap (e.g., binary heap), insertion involves adding an element and performing a heapify-up operation, which takes O(log n) time due to the height of the tree. The given answer "a" is incorrect; the correct answer is "d". 3. Which of these is a postfix expression? a. a + b - c b. +ab c. abc*+de-+ d. a b(c+d) Correct Answer: c Explanation: A postfix expression (Reverse Polish Notation) places operators...

System Analysis and Design MCQ IT Officer(PSC)

  1. ______ is an important factor of a management information system. a. System b. Data c. Process d. All Correct Answer: d Explanation: A management information system (MIS) relies on all three components: the system (infrastructure), data (raw input), and processes (methods to convert data into meaningful information). The correct answer is "d" as all factors are essential. 2. Which are the following is/are the level(s) of documentation? a. Documentation for management b. Documentation for user c. Documentation for data processing department d. All of the above Correct Answer: d Explanation: Documentation in system design occurs at multiple levels, including for management (high-level overview), users (guides/manuals), and the data processing department (technical details). The answer "d" is correct. 3. ______ level supply information to strategic tier for the use of top management. a. Operational b. Environmental c. Competition d. Tactical ...

Computer Fundamental MCQ Of IT Officer(PSC)

1. A system is a. Input, output and storage unit b. An integration of different units so as to achieve an objective c. Input unit d. Input and output unit Answer: b. A system is an integration of different units designed to achieve an objective. 2. Computer system comprises of a. Input unit b. Processing and storage unit c. Output unit d. All of them Answer: d. A computer system includes all these components. 3. The memory size of mainframe computers & advanced technology microcomputer are expressed as a. Bytes b. KB c. Bits d. MB Answer: d. Memory size is typically expressed in megabytes (MB) for such systems. 4. An device is any device that provides information, which is sent to the CPU a. Input b. Output c. CPU d. Memory Answer: a. An input device provides information to the CPU. 5. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports? a. Data b. Bytes c. Graphics d. Picture Answer: a. Data passes through ports. 6. Through which dev...