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System Analysis and Design MCQ IT Officer(PSC)

  1. ______ is an important factor of a management information system. a. System b. Data c. Process d. All Correct Answer: d Explanation: A management information system (MIS) relies on all three components: the system (infrastructure), data (raw input), and processes (methods to convert data into meaningful information). The correct answer is "d" as all factors are essential. 2. Which are the following is/are the level(s) of documentation? a. Documentation for management b. Documentation for user c. Documentation for data processing department d. All of the above Correct Answer: d Explanation: Documentation in system design occurs at multiple levels, including for management (high-level overview), users (guides/manuals), and the data processing department (technical details). The answer "d" is correct. 3. ______ level supply information to strategic tier for the use of top management. a. Operational b. Environmental c. Competition d. Tactical ...